COMSOL Multiphysics, formerly called FEMLAB, is a finite element analysis (FEA) modeling, solver, and simulation software package for various physics and engineering applications, especially coupled phenomena, or multiphysics. COMSOL Multiphysics offers an extensive interface to MATLAB and its toolboxes for a large variety of programming, preprocessing, and postprocessing possibilities. The packages are cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix). In addition to conventional physics-based user-interfaces, COMSOL Multiphysics also allows users to enter coupled systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) directly or by using the so-called weak form.
- Adapted from Wikipedia.
Watch an introduction video to COMSOL Multiphysics on the developer's site, here.
Please note that the G-databar provides access to COMSOL Multiphysics for academic use only! To obtain a license from the DTU license server, your local username must be the same as your DTU user ID. View more information here.
To install COMSOL Multiphysics on your laptop, you need to be connected to eduroam. After installation, COMSOL Multiphysics can only be used while connected to this network for access to the license server.
Connecting to Gbar
You need to use Thinlinc in order to connect to the Linux servers. Information on Thinlinc can be read here.
How to start COMSOL
COMSOL can be started from the G-bar menu or by typing
$ comsol
in a terminal. In order to see which options you can use, execute
$ comsol -help
Activate multiprocessor support by typing
$ comsol -np 4
How to use COMSOL with Matlab
From the menu, you can start COMSOL and a Matlab GUI (Matlab session talking to a COMSOL server), or open a terminal (linuxsh) and execute the following:
$ comsolmatlab
Important note: Make sure that you start from a Linux machine.
Please note: The script comsolmatlab does a lot of necessary steps, to make things work. This takes time (up to 45-60 seconds), so please be patient! And please don't close any of the progress windows that can pop up.
How to start COMSOL version N.x
We provide several versions of COMSOL Multiphysics, and those can be either started from the G-Bar menu or by typing
$ comsolNx
in a terminal, e.g. comsol44 for version 4.4. In order to see which options you can use, execute
$ comsol44 -help
Activate multiprocessor support by typing
$ comsol44 -np 4
To start another COMSOL version than the default with Matlab (except version 3.5 - see below), you can use the following command in a terminal, e.g. for version 4.4:
$ CSCMD=comsol44 comsolmatlab
How to use COMSOL 3.5a with Matlab
Either from the G-Bar menu or by typing
$ comsol35 matlab multiphysics
in a terminal.
Licensed modules for COMSOL Multiphysics
In the G-Bar you have access to the following modules and products for COMSOL Multiphysics:
- AC/DC Module
- Acoustics Module
- CFD Module
- Chemical Reaction Engineering Module
- Heat Transfer Module
- LiveLink for MATLAB
- MEMS Module
- Optimization Module
- RF Module
- Structural Mechanics Module
- Batteries Fuel Cells Module
- Plasma Module
- CAD Import Module
At you can read more about the modules.
There is a limited number of licenses for each module.
Specific license details can be found under
If you need help with modelling and you are participating in a course then first ask your instructor or supervisor.
If your problem is unresolved you can send an email to COMSOL's support department using this email address:
Please include your name, department/course name, and the license number of the COMSOL Multiphysics license (found under Help->About COMSOL Multiphysics). If you need help with a specific model then be sure to attach the model to your email.